Episode 69 : Foul Monkey

Happy Secretly Timid Tuesday folks! Jon, Paul and Danielle welcome special guest Jeremy Prince to the cat studio. The quartet catch up with Diane who is currently Between * Here & Cool, and then dive right into some hot topics. This week’s hot topics include : a new drug can kill any viral infection, a jet blue passenger urinates on a young girl, a FaceBook petition asks Bert and Ernie to make it official, the more educated you are = you spend more for booze, and some pet lovers push to allow their pets on restaurant patios while a new law gives diners a “buffer zone” from beggers.  Other topics include Project Runway, the Iowa straw poll, Rick Perry, and Texas Legislation.

Photo By : Andria Lindquist

This week’s featured song is “Old Habits” by Hot Bodies in Motion. Pick up their album, Old Habits on iTunes!



Episode 40 : Trentasize!!

This show is truly a comedy of errors. Paul turns into a robot and is unceremoniously cut off by the Skype Gods.  Jon talks poker/Jill yawns/Diane blinks. The trio sans robot discuss over-sharing in private settings, home school vs. public schooling your children, and Jill’s new big girl bed. News stories include  a college student who paid for his tuition with one dollar bills,  Gucci Mane’s hot new ink, and Starbuck’s new trenta size.

(Post Show Script – Jon unkinked the kinks. It is amazing what 8 bucks and a conversation with the hot guy at Radio Shack can do!)

The featured song for today’s episode is “Dirty Thing” by Telekinesis.