The Bad Guy From Ghost


Terrorist Attacks. Armed Protests. Abortions on TV.

This week’s Hot Topics include:


This week’s featured song is Royal Jelly by Deap Vally

Vaguely European


What’s up? On today’s show, Jon shares a weird urinal story and Brian moved. A bit later Jon and Brian totally got into it over hate crimes, but they made up before the show ended. Jon, Sarah, and Brian also talked about bottom-shaming and how uber-annoying it is when gay men bring up the fact that they are “tops” in casual conversations. Then they talked about the Republican party and learned that you shouldn’t make yogurt out of your vagina.


kcousinsThis week’s featured song is In With Them by Kissing Cousins

Twitter: @secretlytimid

Instagram: Secretlytimid


Episode 174 : Girl Code


174Greetings one and all!

This week’s hot topics include:


This week’s featured song is Fix You Good by the Impossible Girl.


Episode 74 : Sausage Toxin

Mmmm. Sausage. On today’s show Diane is late, Danielle wears skinny jeans, and Paul showers at the gym. Hot topics include : A woman takes DIY to the extreme and injects hot beef fat into her face (and dies), Sarah Palin becomes 10x more interesting, Bioethics bets Michelle Bachmann $10K that she is wrong about the HPV vac, glow in the dark cats fight AIDS, the family of a hate crime victim oppose the death penalty in the case, and Australia allows third gender on their passports.This week’s featured song is “Cement Slippers” by Dengue Fever. Check them out at the Fun Fun Fun Fest in Austin November 6th!


We want so badly to be nominated for the Podcast Awards. It would mean the world to us if you could take a minute and go to and nominate us under the “general” category. Our url is Do it and we will love you forever. 

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