Hey You

On this week’s episode, Jon and Megs are joined by returning guest, Ryan. The trio discuss blue lives matter, self-fulfillment, and itchy skin. Later, they play a super fun getting to know you game!

This week’s featured song is “Hey You” by Katy J Pearson

Video Black Jack Off

Mischa-3-mischa-barton-16624430-1920-1200It’s official!! Please welcome Jermy Johnson to the Secretly Timid cast! On this week’s episode, Nan talks about her romantic weekend getaway, and Jermy analyzes Jon’s hatred for straight white men. Hot topics include- Eddie Murphy refusing to impersonate Bill Cosby on SNL’s 40th anniversary, a dumbfuck politician compares Planned Parenthood to ISIS, Plano claims a recent attempt at overturning their equal protection ordinance invalid, and Dallas opens its own transgender hospital program!

taggart-rosewoodThis week’s featured song is Samantha Corrie by Taggart and Rosewood 

